Monday, September 30, 2013

Day 1

Soooo, at some point last night I found out who i'd be meeting up with this morning. The decision was to meet in the lobby at 7:50am. At 7:50am he wasn't there. He was on a conference call and couldn't tear away. So I was in my room waiting for him. I'm pretty sure it was almost 10 before we got to work. And that's ok. He's a big wig lol. We walked in, he introduced me to everyone and then we sat down to work.

I think I may have mentioned to many of you before that we've been working out of conference rooms until we can acquire office space. Well, there are 25 of us today. Can you imagine having all those people split between two conference rooms? And granted everyone wasn't there today but still. A large number were. And uh yeah. Let's just say there were some very unfavorable working moments LOL... If you want to know more we'll have to talk offline lol. I kept hearing people talk about us having new office space but wasn't sure when.

Lunch time rolled around and I hadn't really 'clicked' with anyone yet so I went to lunch alone. There's a cafeteria downstairs which is really good because I wasn't sure what was around the building and was not about to walk aimlessly searching for something. While I was eating (actually I was done) one of the members joined me. We talked a little bit then headed back upstairs.

Let me back up a little. The breakout of the conference rooms are basically in teams. So I was sitting in the room with the more technical staff. I should have been in the room with the functional folks. I moved. Better working conditions if I must say so myself lol. Oh, I never told you what I've been working on. Basically getting acquainted with the system. Reading literature about the program as a whole, it's purpose, the plan, etc. Most people travel on Mondays so as more people arrived, I met a few more members.

As the day went on, I continued to read up on things and finally my homey Raul came in. Raul and I worked together on the Baton Rouge project. We know each other well. He was definitely a 'reassuring' factor in my making the decision to come up here. Once he got there, we talked about the program in a little more detailed and he explain things that sort of complimented my reading. *someone's running down the hallway* One of the members came to tell us our manager is here to take us on a tour of the new facility. YAY Field Trip!

We all got together and walked over to the new office. Nice! It's not the best since sliced bread but understandably so. We had to move quickly so that we could be out of the other people. We were squatters. So we've secured a place for us to work in and the decision will need to be made on whether or not we stay there or move somewhere else. It's better than what we had. And I say we but I only sat there for 1 day. Most of them have been in those conference rooms for months. It's about a 6 minute walk. I can't say its the best 'neighborhood' to walk through but sometimes we're gonna have to do it. We have to support the staff in the first building. So meetings etc may still be held over there. I did come to the realization I will never bring any type of high heeled shoe for work. Too much walking up and down the street. Uneven sidewalks. No ma'am.

Anyhoo, after that, we headed back to the building for a few then came home. My thought is that, if I'm planning to go out to eat somewhere, I will do that (or make plans to do that) before I get home or shortly thereafter. And I wanted to watch Monday Night Football tonight (Dolphins/Saints). Raul and I had planned to go eat together but i knew once I left him at the office he's bail on me. And he did lol. So I googled something to eat and headed for TGIFriday's. I got towards that area and wasn't sure exactly where it was so once I realized Applebee's was coming up, i yoked it in there. Dinner is served.

Watched a little of the game. Ate my food and came back to the hotel. Tomorrow's a new day. In a new building.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Early Mornings and Early Nights

Today was the day that I make that move. Early move it is. Had a 7am flight so that meant I had to get up a little earlier than normal (for a Sunday morning) and drive to New Orleans to catch my flight. Not a bad ride either. Got to Memphis on time. Had a two hour layover there and then flew form there to Philadelphia where I'd reserved my rental car.  I made it! That's all I kept thinking, lol. As I'm driving through Philly, I'm looking around and all the buildings, different roads, Eagles stadium...everything! At some point I will need to visit. But for now, I'm going to keep trucking on to my hotel in Jersey. And that's what I did.

By 3pm I'd checked in, gave the hotel a once over and decided to find something to eat. I was starved. A guy at the airport in Memphis told me to check out a certain area that had a lot of restaurants, shops, etc. Perfect spot. Shopping plazas, the Mall, many restaurants. I was going to make that my destination for eating. Ended up at Applebee's. Yes Applebee's. It's Sunday. Footballs on. And I wanted to be somewhere I can watch it.

Because the room had a kitchenette I figured I'd pick up a few things for the week. Nothing too major. I'm not going to be cooking anything this week. *snicker*. I ended up at Wal-Mart, Target and the grocery store.

No i'm back in the hotel and i'm ready for bed. Before this week is out I'll get the temperature in this room right. Oh and I need to figure out who i'll be meeting up with for work tomorrow.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Tomorrow's the big day...

I finished packing most of my things last night so that I'd only have a few things I needed to do or pick up today. I managed to accomplish that which was good. I was able to watch and enjoy some football today and get out to a few stores.

I'd googled different things around the hotel/job whether it's organizations, groups, different things that I can get into like painting. One thing I've heard a lot about this area is to 'be careful'. So it's kinda hard for me, the person that's willing to go someplace and make new friends. I'm skeptical about doing that, for a little. bit. So it'll be interesting how all of this will play out.

Niecka, Camille and I wen to see Baggage Claim tonight then had dinner, one last time

I came hone, got all of my things in order and put everything by the door.

So... goodnight. This time tomorrow i'll be o "jersey girl"

Friday, September 27, 2013

My Official Unofficial Last Day.

*Singing* It's so haaaard, to say goodbyyyyye, to yesterdaaaaaay.

I kinda thought today would be hard. But it wasn't. I guess that's because I'm really not saying goodbye; for a couple reasons. (1) I actually have to be onsite in two weeks so they'll see me again. (2) I'll be traveling back regularly enough that I'll get to see my folks. Maybe on the next visit it'll be a little 'sadder' because I'm really "gone" at that point.

My coworkers never cease to amaze me. They got me a going away gift. Most special. #GoNoles I even got a belated birthday card, lol. That was really nice and heartfelt.

I started cleaning my desk off today. There's still a lot to do but I'll have a few days to tackle that when I return. I grabbed a few things today so it's starting to look bare.

One major plus about today, I got my last CR (Change Request) out the door. I worked hard on this functionality over the past couple months but it's done. We received approval, AND we've promoted it so I'm officially done with that.

And guess what? I'm packed! Tomorrow will be easy, breezy.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Doesn't get more official than this...

Tonight we had my Farewell Outing with my coworkers. I was happy to see everyone that came out. Good crowd. Yes,  deep down I was afraid my folks wouldn't come but they did. We had appetizers,  drinks and good conversation. 
Once you have a farewell dinner that's pretty much it lol. You're officially on the way out the door.
There was even a gift and a care signed by my coworkers around the office.  Even an old coworker stopped by to send her regards.
All in all it was a great night. Now all I have to do is get through tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Maybe it hasn't set in..

I really don't know. I'm excited. Stoked about going. I'm one more step closer, lol. I have my flight purchased which means, there's only one thing left and that's to get to the airport. Actually there are a lot of things that I have to do before I leave here but that's a huge step in the right direction. I still have a few reservations to make (Hotel and Rental Car), nails done, and just get my mind right.

The one thing I keep hearing is, "catch the train!" I don't know anything about planes, trains or automobiles when it comes to New Jersey, New York, Philadelphia, etc. "Catch the train" is not helpful to me at all. What to do, where to get on, who to see, who to pay, where to get off? Think I'm joking? No, I'm serious.

Someone told me it was 48 degrees in NY today. Or maybe that was Newark. I'm not sure. I think the high in Philly is like 68 degrees. 68 degrees might feel a little different up there, than it does down here. To be honest, that 48 degrees has me rethinking what I'd planned to pack. Wait, you thought i'd packed already? Of course not. It's Tuesday.

I'm ready! Are you?!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Counting Down the Days

The days are drawer nearer that I make that 'move' to another project. I'm excited! Ready! Where you ask? New Jersey! Trenton to be exact. I've only driven through but never actually been there. Once; seven years ago on my way to Connecticut for my internship. My family, friends and coworkers are supportive so that makes things better. My girls are making me slightly sad though, lol. I love those chicks. My weeks and weekends will all be so different. Fridays I'll be rushing home to my family and friends.I told my close friends/coworkers that we'll have to have reunions. It's really good to have a great group of people surrounding me. Feels pretty good.

So here I am, taking charge of my career. Stepping out on faith and making moves. While there's nothing in me that said, "Don't do it" there's definitely some things I'm not used to. I'm going to have to get into the football up there. There are lots of Pro teams in the area and that's a good thing. I mean, it is football season. The more I think about it, I'm going to have to do better with the way I move around, lol. It was this time in '09 that I transferred to Baton Rouge. Football Season! Then there is just the difference from the North to the South. I'm sure there will be differences. And then there's the weather. The snow. I've never been in snow. Well maybe once but anyone from someone that has actually experienced snow will disagree with me, lol. The snow I'm referring to was in Tallahassee (87 or 89) and Baton Rouge (09 and 11 i think). A friend of mine told me, "It's not about having 50 coats, it's about layering. You can't wear shoes with no socks. Pants without long johns." Makes sense. I'll have to work on that layering thing! So here goes. Nothing's pack, of course. I'm not exactly sure which day I'll even be going up there. But I'll be going soon.

Here's a look into my world. My transition. As the Southern Girls Meets The North East.

 **Signed, G.R.I.T.S. (Girls Raised In The South)