Sunday, September 22, 2013

Counting Down the Days

The days are drawer nearer that I make that 'move' to another project. I'm excited! Ready! Where you ask? New Jersey! Trenton to be exact. I've only driven through but never actually been there. Once; seven years ago on my way to Connecticut for my internship. My family, friends and coworkers are supportive so that makes things better. My girls are making me slightly sad though, lol. I love those chicks. My weeks and weekends will all be so different. Fridays I'll be rushing home to my family and friends.I told my close friends/coworkers that we'll have to have reunions. It's really good to have a great group of people surrounding me. Feels pretty good.

So here I am, taking charge of my career. Stepping out on faith and making moves. While there's nothing in me that said, "Don't do it" there's definitely some things I'm not used to. I'm going to have to get into the football up there. There are lots of Pro teams in the area and that's a good thing. I mean, it is football season. The more I think about it, I'm going to have to do better with the way I move around, lol. It was this time in '09 that I transferred to Baton Rouge. Football Season! Then there is just the difference from the North to the South. I'm sure there will be differences. And then there's the weather. The snow. I've never been in snow. Well maybe once but anyone from someone that has actually experienced snow will disagree with me, lol. The snow I'm referring to was in Tallahassee (87 or 89) and Baton Rouge (09 and 11 i think). A friend of mine told me, "It's not about having 50 coats, it's about layering. You can't wear shoes with no socks. Pants without long johns." Makes sense. I'll have to work on that layering thing! So here goes. Nothing's pack, of course. I'm not exactly sure which day I'll even be going up there. But I'll be going soon.

Here's a look into my world. My transition. As the Southern Girls Meets The North East.

 **Signed, G.R.I.T.S. (Girls Raised In The South)

1 comment:

  1. Well my darling daughter, just know that I am extremely proud of you and all your achievements thus far in life! As you venture into this next phase of change, always keep your head up high with your eyes wide open with patiences while learning the northern style of living. I look forward to visiting and sharing in some of the fun festive times (social events) that I'm certain you will become an avid partaker, whether its pro football, N.Y. theatres or whatever, because you love to socialize to a degree and I love that about you.

    As for the new job placement (being that you are a chip off the ole block) I know your performance will far exceed all expectations, so welcome the challenges and give each your very best!

    Daddy loves you and wishes you the very best with all transitions!
